案例展示 / cases show

We have been providing brand products and service for clients through Amazon E-commerce.

We specialize in designing and manufacturing all kinds of 3C products and consumer electronics. We can provide one-stop services including product design, package design, accessory selection and so on.

The brand Smart&Cool is belonging to Nano innovation & Technology Inc and  Smart&Cool Co., LLC is the sole and exclusive operator and distributor.

Nano Innovation & Technology Inc is a privately owned and United State registered company since 2001.

Its former registered name was Nami Innovation & Technology Inc.The company holdsthe exclusive right on the trade mark of Smart&Cool.

NITI's primary research and development (R&D) focus is high tech products and consumer electronics.

It also provides consultant services, and new materials, novel structure and nanostructures, devices and sensors development which can be used for new inventions,

improvedtheelectronic quality, and enhanced functionality.

The company is also engaged in a board spectrum of consumer product R&D. The Smart&Cool brand has been used and sold in store front and online as well.
